Having been around soft furnishings since I was 13  it was pretty obvious what direction I was going to take career wise, so with no design qualifications only learning from the bottom up and with a flair for all things design here I am. To say I love what I do is an understatement and  being involved for 40 years now and lasting this long in the industry there will never be another career for me.

Working alongside some of the best design companies in Britain manufacturing soft furnishings for the most prestigious hotels has been an absolute pleasure. Knowing they come to us for advise on how to dress windows gives us the biggest buzz and when we see rooms fully dressed there is nothing like it. So when we are commissioned to fully design homes and hotels ourselves we put our heart and soul into it and love our handovers more than anything.

I am blessed to have a very special CMI team with my mum, husband and colleagues who are considered family around everyday, I really am truly thankful.

Corrinne Muir

Marnie Halliday

Jill MacDougall

Angie Dowell

Iona McKeown

Lynne Adams

June Fenton

Becki Flint